
The thousands of souls who lived their lives as best they could,
Hope there will be no need for us to walk the same road they walked.

Hope that we will protect the laughter of the children
Whom they wanted to reach out and hug,
On that day.

Hope that we will build the precious world
They dreamed of,
On that day.

They believe in us.
(Translated by Tim Craig & Mari Luong)

広島平和記念公式典 平和と美術と音楽と
Peace+Art+Music 24hours cast August 6
Artist interview

I speak in English after speaking Japanese.
主催: Peace Art Project in ひろしま実行委員会
共催: 広島市 NPO法人 Heart of peace ひろしま
後援: 広島県、広島県教育委員会、広島市教育委員会
協賛: 公益財団法人エネルギア文化・スポーツ財団

The 75 anniversary of the atomic bombing
Transmit via the Internet (YouTube) from bases in Hiroshima and New York

Art Prize 9
Our Love Connects All Happines
Grand Rapids, Michigan,USA

Dreams Gallery Art Point ,Tokyo